After a short vacation GDCy is ready not to just come back, but with a BRAND NEW SEASON 22-23!

We have SOOO MUCH great stuff for the new season:

  • updated brand design,
  • new cool collaborations,
  • new REALLY BIG partners,
  • new event formats and many many more surprises!
We will be happy to celebrate this launch with all of you on September 9th, at our traditional time and place — 20:00, Gerrard’s Kitchen Bar!
All Cyprus GameDev professional will be able to finally meet each other after this pause and exchange latest news, discuss industry trends and meet a lot of new folks, because this time our event will be a perfect afterparty destination for all WN Cyprus’22 attendees — y’all are welcomed to the event!
Category: GDCy
Author: GDCy Team
Client: Gerrard's Kitchen Bar
Date: September 9, 2022